Whew. Things have been more than insane lately. This is a note to let you know that I've taken down the Character Creation form for the time being. Why? Well, it's for several reasons:

- First of all, I'm having a hard time dealing with the players and applicants that are here already. I'm not very good at replying to email promptly in the first place, y'know? ^_^;
- Secondly, it's very possible to have too many players, especially on webchat, and right now we're borderlining on it; closer to the edge than I'd like to admit.
- Thirdly, I'm planning on revamping the current system. It seems to encourage potential players to distance themselves from the story, somehow.
-Lastly, I'd like you to let you know that you're not missing too much! Sessions have been sparse and the RPG is going through some meeting time difficulties. >_< Hopefully these problems, new and old, will be resolved enough to accept new members soon, possibly in the form of a new seperate story...?

Hopefully, this section will be up soon. Feel free to email me with questions; I'll probably find it a lot easier to chit-chat with you rather than do a critical review of a character sheet. ^_^  Arigato!

~Radien, webmaster