Are we done yet? I'm hungry!

Occupation: Student/martial artist/
Weapons specialty: Fighting staff
Home era: The Present
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Race: Human

Cassidee, or Cass, has never been known for her participation. She dreads school as well as sparring practice, as everyone knows. Her active personality constantly keeps her hungry as food is something she thinks about quite a lot! She takes stuffing her face as quite a talent and is rumored (by Ki) to be cursed as the bottomless stomach. "No one really knows where it all goes, 'n all."

Cass enjoys goofing off. Her luck with getting out of doing anything matches her talent for smart mouthing any comment passed her way. Cass herself thinks that life should be simple and not cluttered with school and the like. She could never really figure out why Ki insists on copying off of her during tests. She gets the same grades as he and "D" does not stand for "Distinguished."