1.21 gigawatts!?

Occupation: Inventor
Weapons specialty: Airguns and gadgets
Home era: The Present, 1000 A.D.
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Race: Human

It's really only her nickname, but you can call her Gidge. Gidge is a bright girl of 17 with a flair for mechanics like no other. She's even built her own handmade airgun, which is impressively accurate. Gidge seems to have quite an ego when it comes to explaining things to the less-informed, and she loves to start a good argument about anything to do with science. Secretly, though, there's nothing that troubles her more than when someone seriously questions her work. It's something she takes very personally.

Although Gidge has spent most of her life in the city where she was born, she has the potential to get herself and others into extreme trouble...or out of it. What will come from her skills? Quite a lot depends on her friends.