Runic Flux
Chapter 1: The Portal Opens

Session #1

Gidge: Hey out there, all you curious people! I guess you clicked here because you want to hear all about our adventures!... ^_^

Cassidee: Wow, someone actually cares about the junk we're doing after all! ^_^

Gidge: Cass, that isn't a very good attitude... ~_~; Don't you think a story about traveling through space and time is worth their while?

Cass: Are you kidding!? Isn't this the story about how Ki threw a history book at me, how we tromped through the forest for over an hour without lunch; how we got sent to a place where they don't even have video games... ;_;

Gidge *sighs, now ignoring Cass*: Well, I guess someone doesn't really respect the scientific significance of our trip! *^_^* But don't worry, Gidge is here to tell you all about it. Cass can just wait until she's gotten over the running-out-of-pizza catastrophe.

Cass *making an attempt to brighten up*: Well, at least we met Sir Blue! "^_^"

Gidge: ...Wait, wait, Cass, we're getting ahead of ourselves! You're going to confuse them. They don't even know who "Blue" is. ^_^; Anyway, I think the best place to start off would be when Cass, Jarya, and Iyanna were practicing outside.

Cass: Yeah, that's right... uh, I was winning, you know!

Gidge: Sure, Cass. ^_~ You see, my friend Jarya is really interested in fencing and history, especially medieval history which has lots of swordfighting. She likes to practice with Cass and Iyanna because they're part of the staff-fighting team, so that's how I know those two. While the three were sparring out on the grass, they happened to notice that I was experimenting with my new invention.

Cass: It blew up!! ^_^

Gidge *embarrassed*: It didn't blow up!! ...Well, okay, so one of the parts may have gone flying through the air and landed right next to you guys, but that doesn't mean the hyper-alkalator was malfunctioning...

Cass: hehe... hyper-alligator. ^_^

Gidge *sighs hopelessly*: Dr. Sam Beckett didn't have to deal with this.... -_-;

Cass: Gidge's invention was pretty cool! It even rolled down a hill and burst into flames.

Gidge *intervening*: ANYWAY, I started talking to Cass, Jarya, and Iyanna, and since they seemed free at the time, I invited them to come watch me perform the hyper-alkalator's first test run. About then Kiyoshi showed up, so he tagged along.

Cass *rubbing her head in memory*: That stupid Kiyoshi threw a book at my head... just because he wanted me to do his homework. I don't see why he doesn't get someone else to do it for him. And why does he keep bugging my friends? Maybe he thinks Iyanna likes him... hehe. ^_^

Gidge: hehe...right. ^_^

Session #2

Gidge: When everyone finally arrived to watch the test run, the hyper-alkalator unfortunately had a slight accident. You see, the alkalator uses a special generator to propel it over unpaved ground, but I guess I kinda overdid it, because the generator attachment shot off into the forest.

Cass: Really! It shot past the trees so fast you couldn't see it! That's when the hyper-alligator hit a tree and caught on fire.

Gidge: Cass, it didn't catch fire! It was just smoking... I checked... ~_~;

Cass *shrugs*: Well, whatever. Either way, Gidge, you'd be good at making fireworks! ^_^

Gidge *moving on*: After that, Kiyoshi - being the Kiyoshi that he is - tried to impress everyone by offering to go into the forest to get it back. Of course, he couldn't just go find a little thing like that by himself, so I brought along some of my equipment, and the others came to help look, too.

Cass: Except for Iyanna...she had to go home and eat dinner. *pouts*

Gidge: Right, Iyanna didn't come along...but don't be so jealous, Cass. After all, you brought food with you, as usual. ^_^

Session #3

Gidge: As soon as I figured out where the generator would be, using one of my devices, we found out that it had landed near some old ruins. Actually, they didn't look at all like ruins to begin with, because they were covered in moss and vines and no one ever bothers to search the woods around there. They didn't really look like anything important until Cass found something...

Cass: I found a door to a secret room! *beams* ^_^

Gidge: falling through it. ^_^;

Cass *pouts*: Well, yeah, but...but there was a pretty glowing blue rock inside...

Gidge: Yep, that's right. In fact, that glowing blue gem was the start of our adventure. ^_^

Cass *spacing*: Oooh.....Bluuue....

Gidge: You see, I was attempting to analyze it to see what it was, by attaching it to the generator so the sensor could take a reading on the light it was emitting.

Cass *frowning*: Yeah... and then a big shiny blue hole opened up and sucked me in! That hurt, hitting the ground like that... *illustrates by rubbing her rear*

Gidge *sighs*: It was a pretty routine test, but for some reason the crystal overloaded. The increased energy opened up a portal which sucked all of us in. I'm going to have to tell the Head Engineer about this so he can teach a safer testing method...

Cass: And then Ki and Jayra got lost! And we met a man with blue hair...! "^_^"

Gidge *smiles*: Yes, somehow we got split up then, and the portal closed behind us. But fortunately, a nice stranger in blue appeared. He helped us find Kiyoshi and Jarya, and offered to lead us to town.
*whispers* Cassidee has this thing about blue....

Cass: Then Kiyoshi got jealous of all the attention Blue was getting and started kicking a tree... ~_~ But Blue squirted him with a water spell. ^_^

Gidge: By the way, the man Cass calls "Blue"introduced himself as "Ashitaka, the Protector of the Forest," or something like that. Leave it to Ki to decide that taking out his frustrations on the local plant life was the thing to do at that time. In fact, since he hadn't quite realized where we were, he stormed off after that and got a little lost.

Cass: Serves him right for kicking a poor tree!

Gidge: Well...yeah, I guess so; but we'd just traveled back in time to the Middle Ages...what were we gonna do, leave him there permanently?

End of Chapter 1

Written by Radien

Chapter 2!