Runic Flux
Chapter 2: The Forest Shrine

Session #4

Jarya *taps on Gidge's little recording device, labelled "Recapper," then stands back as she decides it's working properly*:  Er... hello!

Kiyoshi: Hey, Jarya. *while he pokes his head in through the door* What are you doing with Gidge's electric things, an' all?

Jarya: Well, Gidge is in the back room of the inn trying to fix that little gadget of hers; the one that got us sucked through that portal....And Cass is busy munching on her pizza downstairs. So in the meantime, I'm doing the storytelling job.

Ki: Oh. *grins* mind if I help?

Jarya *shrugs and sighs*: Well, okay if you want to. I was, of course, about to tell the readers about how you got lost in the forest. ^_~

Ki *backs away and looks flustered*: I wasn't lost! *mutters* Stupid trees... *kicks the floorboards*

Jarya: Well, I'd better not get too far into it, in case Ki starts kicking stuff again. ^_^ But anyway, we finally found Ki in the woods and got him to cool off and come with us. I think Gidge told you about Sir Ashitaka. He was very generous...he led us west to the nearest town, Haeven, then paid for our rooms at the inn. Food too! Cassidee was pretty happy about that. ^_^

Ki *looks out the hall doorway*: Even if she is eating the leftover pizza she hid in her bag first...

Jarya: Um... yeah. ~_~;

Ki *snickers*: She has a second stomach, y'know, like a cow. *grins charmingly at Jarya*

Jarya: ...Well, Cassidee's obsession with food aside, right now we're taking a rest for the night. ^_^ Some of the others are exhausted after all this. Gidge has been very busy looking over that gemstone we found, and she says that it stopped glowing right after we landed on the other side.

Ki *puts on a confident air in an attempt to impress*: I bet it won't be a problem, anyway. It's just a rock, an' all.

Jarya: Well, frankly, I'm pretty worried about it. But knowing Gidge, she'll just get upset if we interrupt her before she finished testing. So I guess we can wait for the night. ^_^; But I certainly hope the news she brings us tomorrow isn't TOO bad...

To Be Continued!

Written by Radien